Club Programming
2025 Programming Information
With many new families registering for Summit FC, we want to break down our typical season programming.
*Please note that at Summit FC, we typically organize based on even-year teams. This means that age groups such as u10 include u9, u12 includes u11, and so forth. This is how the Vermont Soccer Association organizes the Vermont Soccer League and how many tournaments are organized nationwide.
Sunday Indoor Training Schedule
(Start date: January 12 to End date: March 16)
NO Training on Super Bowl Sunday (February 9)
At Rutland Intermediate School Gym
- 4-5 p.m. - U10 Girls
- 5-6 p.m. - U10 Boys
- 6-7 p.m. - U12 Boys
At Rutland Middle School Keefe Gym
- 4-5 p.m. - U14 Girls
- 5-6 p.m. - U14 Boys
- 6-7 p.m. - U12 Girls
At Rutland High School Gym
- 4:30-5:45 p.m. - U16/U19 Girls
- 5:45-7 p.m. - U16/U19 Boys
Rutland Middle / Intermediate School, 67 Library Ave, Rutland, VT 05701
Rutland High School, 22 Stratton Road, Rutland, VT 05701
Indoor Training, u10-u14:
At the beginning of January, the club moves into the Rutland Middle School-Keefe Gym and the Rutland Intermediate School Gym. For the younger age groups, we promote coach-guided training and skill development. Sessions last 1 hour.
Futsal, u16+:
For the older age groups, the club will also use Rutland High School gym for futsal. The purpose is to create a higher level of competitive play experience. This is a time for the athletes to test and develop new skills through play. Coaches will monitor play and provide feedback.
Spartan Arena Training
(Dates: Mid-March to end of April 30)
Days and Times: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Location: Spartan Arena, 100 Diamond Run Mall Pl, Rutland, VT 05701
From mid-March to the first week of May, Summit FC trains at Spartan Arena. This is on artificial turf; flat shoes are required. At this point, teams will have one session to develop team tactics and ball skills. There will also be a technical academy once a week during that time.
Spartan Arena Technical Academy Sessions
(Dates: March 19, 26, April 2, 9, 16, 23)
All Wednesdays dates
Times/Ages: 5pm-6pm, U10s and U12s
6pm-7pm, U14s and Up
Goalkeeper Training
Session 1- January to March
Location: Rutland Rec Community Center Racquetball Court, 134 Community Dr, Rutland, VT 05701
Dates: Weds...January 15, 22, 29, February 5, 12, (Break), 26, March 5
Time: 6:30pm-7:30pm
Session 2- March to May
Location: Spartan Arena
Dates: Weds…March 19, 26, April 2, 9, 16, 23
Times: 6pm-7pm (changed from original posted time)
Session 3- May to June
Location: Hathaway/Summit Field
Dates: TBA Time: TBA
Outdoor Team Training
Location: Hathaway Fields
Days of the week will be determined by your coach (plan on 2 days in the week)
Times: This will also be determined by your coach (plan on an hour to one and a half per session)
Friendlies and Game Schedule
- Castleton “scrimmage” weekends
-Late March, dates and times TBA
- Vermont Soccer League
-Schedule is set by the state league. Schedule comes out early/mid April. Games starting the 1st weekend in May. Mostly Sundays…Some Saturdays
2025 Tournaments
All U10s: Vermont Festival 6/7 - Green Mtn Challenge 6/14 & 6/15 - Essex Shoot-Out 6/21 & 6/22
Boys U12s: Niskayuna 6/7 - Green Mtn Challenge 6/14 & 6/14 - Essex Shoot-Out 6/21 & 6/22
Girls U12s: Niskayuna 6/7 - Green Mtn Challenge 6/14 & 6/15 - Essex Shoot-Out 6/21 & 6/22
All U14s: Niskayuna 6/8 - Green Mtn Challenge 6/14 & 6/15 - Essex Shoot-Out 6/21 & 6/22
Boys U16s: Niskayuna 6/8 - Green Mtn Challenge 6/14 & 6/15 - Alliance Cup 6/21 & 6/22
High School Girls: Niskayuna 6/8 - Green Mtn Challenge 6/14 & 6/15 - Alliance Cup 6/21 & 6/22
U18/19 Boys: Niskayuna 6/8 - Green Mtn Challenge 6/14 & 6/15 - Alliance Cup 6/21 & 6/22
Fall Technical Academy Sessions (Fall 2024)
In partnership with VTSU Castleton Men's Soccer, Summit FC will host Technical Academy at the Rutland Recreation Community Center beginning November 21st. The purpose of Technical Academy is to allow Summit FC athletes a chance to practice ball control and foundational skills while having fun. Below are the details for the event.
Location and Address:
Rutland Recreation Community Center: 143 Community Drive, Rutland, VT 05701
Castleton SHAPE Gym: 190 University Dr, Castleton, VT 05735
5-6 pm: u10-12 (Birth years 2013-2016)
6-7 pm: u14+ (Birth year 2012 and older)
Thursday, 11/21, at Rutland Rec
Tuesday, 11/26, at Rutland Rec
Monday, 12/2, at Rutland Rec
Monday, 12/9, at Rutland Rec
Tuesday, 12/17, at Castleton SHAPE Gym from 6:30-7:30 pm (u10-12) and 7:30-8:30 pm (u14+)*